Monday, March 7, 2011

The Fourth Law - The Law Of Least Effort

Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease… with carefreeness, harmony and love.

And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy, love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease. Deepak Chopra.

The law of least effort is such a simple concept however in our “doing” driven minds it is not that easy to harness. I am constantly getting caught up by the drama of doing, justifying and resisting and when I am gently reminded, usually by my own reflections, to give up resisting by accepting what is and surrendering, the flow comes back into my life and I giggle at my own forgetfulness of this powerful law.

It is so easy to get attached to something and all the justifications for that attachment which of course keeps me locked in to a wrestle with the universe and when I step back and ask myself “ what am I resisting?” the answer comes, eventually and the fight is over and the flow resumes.

What I believe Deepak Chopra is saying when he says “when we harness the forces of nature we create success and good fortune” is that when we give up resisting success comes in the form of flow, creating opportunity to move in the direction of our goals and desires. It is of course the paying of attention to the messages or clues the universe gives us, almost like sign posts and when we are in flow our awareness allows us to notice these divine messages.

We are truly powerful beings. When we tap into the power of the universe and when we work together we are a formidable team who can create miracles and amazing results for the highest good of all.

To apply the law of least effort into my life I must practice acceptance, responsibility (taking full responsibility for my life, my thoughts and my actions), and practise defenselessness (relinquishing my need to defend my point of view).

Are you in flow with the Law of Least Effort? If not what are you resisting?


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