Saturday, March 19, 2011

Abundance Is An Attitude Of Gratitude

When creating a life of living in abundance our minds must shift from an attitude of lack and what is missing to an attitude of abundance. The way to do this is bring our focus to all the abundance we have all around us. The way to seeing the abundance that exists in our lives is to be grateful for what already is there.

There are literally thousands of things to be grateful for, our children, our family, the roof over our heads, the car we drive, a beautiful flower, dear friends, The choices we have, the food we eat, the career we have. To begin to bring our awareness to what we are grateful for we begin to change our focus on life and the more we are grateful the more opportunities we will have to be grateful for , that is the universal law of attraction. We attract more of what we focus on.

In saying all this I am not denying the parts of our lives that aren’t the way we would like them to be, it is merely the starting point for turning our lives around and to live a more empowered, choice driven life.

We also need to look at what is not working so we can choose what we do want. Another way to create what we want to bring about in our lives it to visualise how we want our life to look.

Visualisation is a very powerful tool and if we create this a new habit in our lives we can use it in those moments of frustration and despair. Rather than focusing on what’s not working we can stop and begin visualising what we want to see in our lives and with patience and persistence we will bring it about.

Visualisation is a very simply act of closing your eyes and dreaming/imagining the future we want and add to that the feeling of how we will feel when this is our reality. The feeling is the key – we must add the emotion to the pictures, that is the magic.

If you would like to know more about visualisation and how our minds work you may like to look into John Assarfs work – he is very passionate and knowledgeable about this subject. ?

Here are some practical tips you may like to implement to bring more awareness to the abundance and bring about even more:

Meditate Daily - Why I meditate – calm the mind, increase my witness which allows me to see the behaviours that no longer serve me and once I see them I can change them. It also allows me to get in touch with my intuition which I use as my own inner guidance system a bit a gps in a car, I am guided which direction to take or not take. “prayer is talking to god and meditation is listening to god Eat, prayer, love.

Journal Daily – to clear those thoughts out of your head leaving room for new ideas and insights.

Gratitude – write down each day 5 things you are grateful for and you will find you will begin to notice more and more abundance around you.

Enjoy the journey. Namaste

Kym Kennedy

Life Coach, Mentor, Entrepreneur

Making a difference by supporting others through personal development and empowerment through the business opportunity.

Join me LIVE Monday, March 21st at 5:30PM central time ( that’s 9.30am Tuesday 22.3.11 Sydney time) when I am guest speaker on Reinvent Your Life Radio Show with Sharon Ball. Go to or call in to (858) 777-5903. I will be talking about Abundance is an Attitude of Gratitude.

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