Friday, April 1, 2011

The Sixth Spiritual Law – The Law of Detachment

“The Law of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it” Deepak Chopra.

I cant tell you how often I find myself so focused on my goals and desires that I find the voice in my head telling me to work harder to achieve it quicker and so I stay at my computer doing just one more thing and realise the day has passed by and I haven’t stopped to breath in the fresh air and allow things to unfold. Fortunately I have a little mantra that repeats often when I am getting frustrated that something isn’t happening according to my ego’s plan that says “ let go”. Today I had such an experience and after getting very frustrated with my computer and with some adversity in my life, I decided it was time to go bush. So I turned off my computer, left my mobile phone behind and headed for 3 delicious hours of meditation and simply being in the bush. As I sat in silence, contentment and peace arose and I was reminded that these states of being never leave me I just layer attachment over the top.

I am a goal oriented person and I love to tick boxes! However I am constantly reminding myself to do the tasks and then detach, allow the magic to happen. Every time without fail the results astound me.

How do you create the balance of achieving with detachment ?

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