Dharma is the Sanskrit word that means “purpose in life”.
To live a purposeful life we need to know what our purpose is and when we combine this purpose with an intention of service to others life takes on such deep and wonderful feelings of fulfilment and joy.
I am often asked how I know what my life purpose is.
Here are some questions that may help you uncover your purpose in life.
1) What do I love to do, that I when I am doing it I lose all track of time?
2) What did I always say as a child that I wanted to be when I grew up?
3) What hobbies do I have?
4) What have I always dreamed of being?
Take some quiet time and write your answers.
The next thing to do is ask you “how can I earn a living doing what I love, in my own unique way?
By holding this question in your heart – you will be amazed what opportunities the universe will offer you.
I believe we are all here to serve humanity with our unique talents and I ask myself on a daily basis “how best can I serve today”. When we change from asking “what’s in it for me” to “how can I serve” again life becomes abundant and purpose filled.
Are you living your purpose?
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